
Online Programme

Within school we promote the use of an online resource.

The Programme is called Kooth.

Kooth is an award winning online counselling and support service. It is a safe, confidential and anonymous way for you get emotional wellbeing and mental health support.


As a first step, we urge you to access the introductory video.

Thereafter, if your child would like to sign up, it is free and easy to do so - they only need to create a username and password whilst answering some basic questions.

Kooth is still available over Easter! If your child needs to talk they can safely and anonymously  reach out to Kooth for free. Click on the 2 links below and check out the 2 videos for more information on how to sign up and how Kooth can help.
The programme is a personal space which requires a log in.
It gives the user access to an online feelings journal so they can track their emotional wellbeing.
Access to mini-activities 
An online magazine
Discussion boards
Online text and live chat support from qualified professionals
Staff in school are able to help your child to navigate this programme.
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