Breamish Valley - Y5 Rivers trip

16th June 2021
In Geography this term we have been studying rivers. We have been looking at their features, how humans use them, the journey or a river and so much more. We were lucky enough to have education officers from the Northumberland National Park in school to give us an overview of rivers. During this time we were able to use a parachute to help show how a river erodes and shapes the land. To make this learning real, Y5 were able to visit the Breamish Valley at a section of the River Breamish and spent the day completing Geography fieldwork in the river. 
Northumberland National Park led the session and as a class we recorded measurements of the rivers width, depth and speed. Also, we went river dipping and were able to use classification keys to find out what we had caught. Jamie-Jay (5J) was lucky enough to catch a salmon and Zack (5M) caught a brown trout. 
After a busy morning, we spent the afternoon walking up the hills to get a stunning view back down the valley. We then completed a field sketch and labelled the key features of the river that we could see. Sinead asked the park ranger to show her on an OS map the source of the River Breamish which led to an impromptu map reading session. 
This day studying the Breamish has led to an incredible non-chronological report on rivers produced by the children back in school.